Overcooked! 2 Featured

Overcooked! (1 Or 2) Is A Terrible Game To Play With Your Friends

If you’ve ever searched the internet for “great games to play with friends” or “best games to play with your girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other/partner”, you’ve probably come across someone recommending Overcooked! 1 or 2. Most likely, you’ve come across several people urging you to play Overcooked! 1 or 2 with your partner, or suggesting Overcooked! 1 or 2 as a great party game for everyone to play. Well, folks, I’m here to set the record straight: Overcooked! (1 or 2) is an absolutely awful suggestion for any of these situations.

Overcooked! (1 or 2): The Most Stressful Game Around

Proponents of the Overcooked! games will say that they’re “frantic” games that require a lot communication, and then somehow conclude that this leads to fun. In fact, it leads to a bunch of stress for everyone involved, which is the opposite of fun. The people who know what they’re doing get stressed out by the new players dragging them down. The new players get stressed out by the people who know what they’re doing yelling at them to play better. It’s a mess, and I hate it.

When someone invites you to their place to play Overcooked!, consider this: Imagine if someone invited you over to play their very favorite Mario Party minigame, which they’re an expert at. You have never played this minigame, and you will never be as good at it as the person who invited you over. On top of that, it’s one of the cooperative minigames, so when you play badly you’ll just make the person you’re playing with more mad, causing them to yell at you more, which will just make you play worse. Also, instead of taking like, 15 seconds, each level takes like three minutes. This is the best idea I can give you of what playing Overcooked! is like.

A Better Game To Play With Your Significant Other: Literally Anything Else

Why would anyone, much less the entire internet, suggest this as a fun game to play in a relationship? Even if you have a good enough relationship that you don’t get mad at each other when a video game’s not going your way, it’s not like you’re going to have fun. I’d rather play Mario Kart and get blue shelled two feet from the finish line every race. I’d rather play Super Smash Bros with a controller with a busted joystick that only registers about 30% of your inputs. Shoot, I’d rather play a single player game with the “second controller” you used to give your little brother or sister that wasn’t even plugged into anything.

Overcooked! sucks.

My Dpad

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