Variant: Limits

Variant: Limits: A Video Game That Teaches Calculus

When it comes to educational games, students are generally not as excited about them as their teachers are. There are some great examples out there, but there are so few that any new entry is welcome. Even the ones that are out there are usually geared towards elementary schoolers. This means that gamers over about 10 are out of luck if they want to learn about a subject from a video game. Those days are over, though, because if you want to learn an advanced subject like Pre-Calculus or Calculus, though, now there’s Variant: Limits.

Learn Pre-Calculus And Calculus While Gaming

Variant: Limits is a new adventure puzzle game from Triseum that aims to teach the player Pre-Calculus Calculus. To be honest,I took a calculus class in high school and another one in college without either of them sticking, so I’m probably not the best person to evaluate its effectiveness. A “former calculus tutor and lifetime lover of the subject”, however, has recommended the game’s teachings, so I’ll refer you to that. That writer had no issue with the game’s content, and their main gripe was a minor one about how they game grades answers as a whole.

To be clear, I haven’t played Variant: Limits, but it looks like a beautifully-done game that seems like it could definitely be fun. Variant: Limits is part one of a planned four-part series which you can pre-emptively buy all of for $99.95. If you just want to buy the one game, though, you can do that for $29.95.

Variant: Limits Game Features

Learn About Art History And The Renaissance While Gaming

Triseum has also released another educational game called ARTé: Mecenas set in the Renaissance. ARTé: Mecenas is billed as an “Art History Strategy Game”, where you’ll learn about art history, history, economies of art, economics, political science, world geography, and business. ARTé: Mecenas is part of a planned three-part series that you can either pre-emptively order for $59.95. If you just want ARTé: Mecenas, you can do that for $24.95.

Anyways, neither of the games have crazy requirements, but they won’t run on absolute toasters either (which you can guess from seeing the graphics). If you have a relatively new computer though, you should be fine. If you want to learn pre-calculus or calculus from a video game, Variant: Limits seems like a great option. If you want to play a video game and learn about art history and a lot of other things about the Renaissance, check out ARTé: Mecenas.

Buy ARTé: Mecenas or Variant: Limits on Triseum

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