If you look around your local GameStop, Best Buy, Steam Store, or anywhere else you can buy the newest games, you can get the impression that gaming is an expensive hobby. If you want to keep up with every next-gen console, game, and accessory, it can indeed get expensive, quick. Now that video games have been in the mainstream for decades, though, there is another way: an order that thousands, even millions of us have pledged into. I’m talking about the Order of the Broke Gamer.
Okay, so there’s not really an order, just people (like me) who are broke but still want to play video games. Luckily, our choices are boundless. Between emulation, free-to-play games, and deep discounts on expensive titles, there’s no reason you can’t build up a respectable game collection without breaking the bank. If you want, you can even do it without spending a penny. Well, assuming you have an Android, not an iPhone, anyways. But if you have an iPhone, you probably don’t need to worry about how many pennies you are spending.
Video Game Emulation
This is the place for you if you want to play retro games on your phone or computer.
Free(-to-Play) Games
This is the place for you if you’re looking for games you can always play or download (either on your phone or computer) for free, without having to spend a dime.
Video Game Deals
This is the place for you if you’re looking for short-term deals and discounts on games, game-making software, consoles, or accessories.