Well folks, Halloween’s coming up, or at least that’s what all the store aisles are telling me. Luckily, this year you’re ahead of the curve, so you’re planning your Halloween costume about two months early. If you’re looking for Halloween costumes for gamers or DIY costume ideas involving video games, you’ve come to the right place. The first few costumes here can mostly be bought for under $30 each (with one exception), and the DIY costumes are made with items you probably already mostly have in your house.
For as low as $30, you can show up everyone at the party who’s only dressed like Mario sans Yoshi. Even though it’s obvious how the costume works, at first glance it’ll seem like you’re really walking in on a Yoshi (albeit one with freakishly long legs). This costume comes in two sizes: one-size-fits-all for adults and one-size-fits-all for children. Get one for your whole crew and start your own plumber/dinosaur gang.
If you’re too cool to wear a real costume on Halloween, how about a video game-related suit? From afar, this suit looks like it’s polka-dotted or something, but upon further inspection it becomes clear that it’s an ode to Pacman. Even the most casual gamer knows Pacman, so this one’s sure to be a hit at a costume party, even if you probably won’t wear it in the boardroom. You can get your own for about $111.
If you’re looking for a unique video game costume, check out this interactive tetris costume. It only comes with the tunic (you have to supply the shirt and pants), but the pieces are removable and stick to the tunic, so people can actually play Tetris on you throughout the night. While plenty of people have dressed up as a Tetris block for Halloween, few people have gone as an interactive Tetris game. You can be the star of the party for about $20.
Finally, if you want a more understated look but don’t want to drop $100 on the Pacman suit, throw on this GameBoy shirt for the world’s easiest video game-related Halloween costume. Sure, some people might yell at you for “not really dressing up”, but on the other hand you can wear your costume 365 days a year, so who’s the real idiot? The shirt costs about $12, comes in a few colors, and is available for men, women, and children.
DIY Halloween Costume Ideas For Gamers
Now, some of you are probably reading this about 30 minutes before heading out for Halloween. For those people, shame on you. Still, My Dpad is here to help. Here are some very easy DIY Halloween costumes for gamers, and most of the materials should already be lying around your house.
DIY Mario Costume:
Red long-sleeved shirt, blue overalls, a red hat with a white circle in the center of the hat with a red M inside, brown shoes, and white gloves. Luigi is exactly the same but using green instead of red.
DIY Nes Costume:
Red shoes, blue shorts, a striped yellow and blue t-shirt, and a red hat with a blue bill.
DIY Little Mac Costume:
Dark green/black boxing shoes/boots, green shorts with a white waist, a dark green/black tank top (same color as the shoes/boots), and lime green boxing gloves.
DIY Minecraft Guy Costume:
Blue jeans, a light blue tee shirt, a goatee, and a minecraft pickaxe/sword made out of cardboard.
DIY Lara Croft Costume (From 2013 Tomb Raider):
Brown pants, a gray tank top, brown boots, a bow slung around your shoulder, or a gun, or a pickaxe, all made out of cardboard.
Between those retail costume ideas and the DIY costumes, those are some of the best Halloween costume ideas for gamers. By either spending just a little bit of money or taking just a little bit of time to dig through your closet, one of those ideas should suit your needs. Now go dress up and have a good Halloween (unless it’s not Halloween yet as you read this, in which case have a good normal day, and if it’s past Halloween and you’re still reading this for some reason, go buy yourself some deep-discount candy)!